Saturday 27 December 2014

French Braid Updo

Hello Lovlies! So not too long ago my friend came over to watch a movie and she had her hair down. Now I would just like to take a moment to tell you of my love for her hair! It is roughly to her waist and SUPER thick. It's  a chestnut kind of colour, and it also has natural goldish highlights (which we sometimes joke about and I call her ginger hehe!)It is always so sleek and smooth with sight layers, so basically the perfect canvas. So naturally, of course I started playing with it and she happily agreed to be my model and ever so kindly allowed me to try out a new hairstyle I'd seen Ms. Tanya Burr wear. However, this is not an exact copy of what Tanya had created in her tutorial. Instead of having a chignon, as Kayleigh's hair was a bit longer to work with, I opted for a braided bun. 

Talk Through
1. Basically I began with a middle part and then took a piece from the front at one side, then did a regular french braid until I reached around her ear, where I then changed to a normal three strand braid.
2. Once I the braid reached the back of her head I tied it off with an elastic the same colour as her hair. 
3. I then repeated the same process on the other side of her head.
4. Once both my braids were complete, I moved them out of the way and tied the rest of her hair into a low ponytail at the back of her head.
5. After this I took both my plaits and crossed them over the bobble and pinned them underneath the ponytail to give a more polished look.
6. I then proceeded to do a three strand  braid in the ponytail as normal, and continued this as far down as possible. Then I tied it off with a clear elastic.
7. I then wrapped this plait around the top of my ponytail and pinned it in place. You can then pull bits of hair out atthe front and loosen up the braid with the tip of your comb to give a more effortless and casual look! This is the finished product!! :)

She's a bit camera shy so this is the best I could do! Sorry! I hope you liked this talk through and if you want then I can upload step by step pictures just leave me a comment and I will. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and spent time with your loved ones! xxx

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Life's Wee Look 

  • First off I would just like to start by saying, this >>>      is NOT what winter looks like where I live! But rather more like this (below) and no matter how much I wish, the weather just refuses to do as I say
  • Also, just recently on the 11th, I started my in house 5th Year Christmas exams! (Heavy sigh) So I'm sick of them at the moment and simply cannot wait till Friday for them to be over. However, as my dad says, it could be worse and I could just be starting them. Which to be fair, is a good point...
  • At the start of this month, I also started my first ever job! I'm working in Fota Island Resort as a Christmas elf in their 'Imagine' Christmas event. It's a new and fun experience for me as it's not like anything I've ever done before. It's enabled me to gain confidence in myself and also meet so many new and and amazing people. It's also a great way for me to get in the Christmas spirit as my exams are bringing my mood down lately, and I can also spread the Christmas cheer as Christmas is my absolutely FAVOURITE time of the year. I even prefer Christmas to my own birthday! So basically, I love it. It was so exciting for me to recieve my first ever pay cheque and finally being able to have my own money.
  • On the topic of Christmas, how crazy is it that there's officially 1 week till Christmas Eve!? I cant even express how excited I am 🙊🎄🎁 I have all my sister's Christmas present sorted which is great as I now wont have to be stressing over it in the few days I have off before Christmas. However, this year when my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I had absoulutely no idea and could think of NOTHING! So now I dunno what I'm getting, but that's perfectly okay with me.
  • The book I'm reading at the moment is, of course, 'Girl Online' by Zoe Sugg. I would just like to add that this is my second time reading it, and I started to read it all over again just three days after I actually finished it! It's just such an easy read and I think the storyline is so cute. Realistically, I could just go on and on about it all day I just cant get enough. I simply love it ❤️
  • Another thing on my mind lately has been whether or not I should try daily vlogging? 📷 I talk to myself 24/7 anyway, so much so that sometimes I actually worry that it's unhealthy and there may be something wrong with me... Can anyone relate in any way because I'm really starting to get worried? Anyway, back to the topic of vlogging, I talk to myself enough that why not talk to a camera and let you guys hear what I'm waffling about in my daily life, it could be fun. Hey, who knows? I might even be good at it! 😜

Friday 7 November 2014

Quick Update!

Guys! Check out my YouTube channel, my last video explains my future plans for the channel :) New video to be uploaded either tomorrow night or Sunday! I'm so excited!!

The Halloween Trilogy!

So as you all know, last week was Halloween and for me that meant a week off school as mid-term break. During this time I had three parties in a row, which meant three different costumes and looks. For all my costumes I put in a lot of thought and effort, so I decided to share with all of you what I had so much fun creating. I am by no means an expert at makeup and did require a bit of help from my sister. But never the less, I was quite satisfied with the outcomes! Hope you like them! :)

-Zombie Child-

-Broken Doll-

-Sugar Skull-