Monday 19 January 2015

Party Time!!!

So a week or so ago my friend turned 17! I've known Kayleigh since we were in first year and only 12 years old and the fact that it's now 5 years on and we're both turning 17 this year is absolutely mind boggling! It feels like only yesterday we were sitting in the back of a maths class chatting away for the first time and finding out as much about each others lives as possible (yes I know! we were probably supposed to be paying attention, but whatevs!) Down through the years I'm going to be honest here, but we had our ups and downs. After all what friendship doesn't? But now that we're older and both more.. *ahem*..'mature', okay even I cant say that with a proper straight face! We are the worst ever when placed in each others company, we are just crazy and cant go longer than about 10 minutes without wetting ourselves laughing at the weirdest and stupidist things! But we are now pretty close and it's great! So for her birthday Kayleigh had a meal with the girls in our year at a little restaurant called 'Luigi Malones' and here are some photos of my outfit and food from the night. Also at the end I've included a little collage of pictures of us together. I would also just like to say on a side note that, these were the most normal pictures I could find of us ;)

Coat: Zara, Disco Pants: LoveLisa, Shoes: Penneys 

Top:, Pants: LoveLisa, Shoes: Penneys

Omm Nom Nom Rotisserie Chicken <3
The birthday girl herself in all her glory! xx 

This is a really good representation of us on a regular basis! 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Life's Wee Look
  • Well first off guys, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Out with the old and in with the new eh? This is your year so make the best of it and enjoy every minute
  • Also, this year I made it to the countdown without falling asleep, for the third year in a row and was very proud of myself! However, I was exhausted afterwards and did fall right into bed after the fireworks hahah
  • I've never been very good at New Years resolutions. Every year when the clock struck twelve I would come up with a list of things I was going to accomplish, or give up etc. and then by the next day I'd failed already! So this year I decided to try something different, instead of giving myself a long list and then feeling bad when I failed, I just chose one thing to work extra hard at. Also if I do anything else in the mean time then I'll feel extra good because it was not planned!   
  • In other news, I'm back at school since Monday and I'm not too happy about it! It's been the first year in my life that I've been back to school before 'Womens Little Christmas' and sitting here in the computer room on the 6th January just dosen't feel right. Basically, I should be at home relaxing ;)
  •  This year I want to take every day as it comes and enjoy living in the moment. I'm not going to take life too seriously because it's just too short not to have a good time.
  • At the moment I'm not reading anything but have a new found obsession with pinterest!
  • Finally I managed to get two new YouTube videos (there's a link at the bottom of this post to my channel) up in the last week, PLUS I've gained one more subscriber!!! I'M SO EXCITED :D and I know some of you out there are like, "One subscriber? That's nothing!" But to me it's a BIG DEAL and gives me that little extra bit of hope that maybe I'm doing something right afterall and maybe I might be making a difference to at least one persons day. So to me it means a lot and I just cant express enough how grateful I am for my small community of 40 YouTube subscribers! xxx

Thursday 1 January 2015

Christmas Eve Vlog Clip! 

Wassup Guys! So a while ago in my 'Life's Wee Looks' post, I told you guys that I was going to try vlogging. Then on Christmas Eve my family and I were in Insomnia in town and I decided to pull out my camera and take a quick little clip of how dysfunctional we really are! I know it's just a couple of seconds long, but it really captures how weird I am and how much fun is had together. It's really nothing much but it's a start :) I hope you enjoy laughing at it and, who knows? Maybe I can make someone happy today.