Tuesday 2 February 2016

The Deadliest Pre's

As a Leaving Cert. student in Ireland, it means that my pre's are looming nearby like a big cat ready to pounce any day now and make mince meat of their cornered prey. It also means that, in my head, it's 'Procrastination Season'! (Hence, this blog post as I try to avoid studying for English Paper 1.) However, with that said, I do in fact have a couple of tips that really help me to focus my mind and get me out the other side of exam weeks, alive. Here they are!

Top Tips for Surviving the Pre's

1. Don't panic! Take time to read the questions clearly and make sure you understand them. NEVER dive straight into the answering!

2. Make your own handwitten notes, they'll make sense to you and will be ideal for last minute skimming just before you enter the exam.

3. Make sure you get enough sleep. Lack of sleep and overworking your brain can lead to higher stress levels and lower concentration levels.

4. Take short breaks and reward yourself. Studying for long periods can make you become bored and frustrated. Instead do short slots of 45 minutes of intense work then take a ten minute break to make a cup of tea, or check Instagram. However, DON'T LET YOURSELF GET CARRIED AWAY WITH YOUR BREAK.

And finally, tip No. 5...


Those are my top tips for surviving the 'Deadliest Pre's'! I wish you every success in your exams!
Much Love, MissJ xxx 

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