Monday 22 February 2016

The Importance of Staying True to Yourself

Hey Guys! Today's post is something a little different to usual. This is an english essay I did in school about the importance of staying true to yourself and just being you! It's a personal essay and it's a topic that I take quite seriously myself. So, go grab a cup of hot chocolate and a comfy place to sit, as it's going to be a rather long one...

They said it would change me, make me just like the others. Right then and there, I promised myself that would never happen! Throughout my childhood and teenage years, I've always been the 'outcast', the person that didn't fit in no matter where I was. I hated it. No, no, correction! I hate it... Present tense. It's still the same, I don't belong, I'm different and I'm not sure why. But it's okay! I've learned to live with it. I'm not going to change for other people. If the don't accept me because of my 'unique' (at least that's what I like to call it) sense of style instead of wearing the latest 'Nike Roche Run'. Or because I prefer to bake or blog rather than make sure I'm all caught up on 'Celebrity Big Brother'. Or even if I prefer Youtubers such as Zoella, or Alfie Deyes, or Marcus Butler rather than big time stars like JB or Adele. That's not my fault. I like who I am! I'd rather be true to myself than live a lie to be popular. It's just who I am.

In a world that's dominated by technology, stereotypes and social media, it's hard to stay on track and to not get caught up in the whirlwind of it all. People believe that young girls my age should be a certain height or weight, or wear certain clothing and hairstyles. However, when girls try to fit this criteria, society complains that we lack originality and that we're all the same! How is that fair? In a world like that, how can anyone survive? The answer... Just be YOU. I know it can be hard, but at the end of the day, who cares what they say? While they're talking about you, you've got their attention. Even if someone doesn't like what you're doing, it's still your name they've got in their mouths. Surely that's got to count for something, right? If people don't care as much as they say they don't, then why are they still watching you, waiting to see what comes next? 

Being true to yourself is always the one bit of hope we can hold on to. It's the security net in my life. If I wasn't being true to myself, I would find it harder to be happy and satisfied with myself when I leave the house every morning! Sure, I may have more friends and be considered so-called, 'cool', but why would I want that? I'd feel as if I was doing the world a great injustice. I feel bad for depriving it of my utter greatness! Like everything else, there's a stereotype for this thing I believe they call 'Normal'. When realistically, there's no such thing! 

Once, I had this dream. I was tall with long legs. I was a slim size six with perfect skin, straight and sparkling teeth and I had long, thick, flowing blonde hair that tumbled down my back to my waist. I got straight A's all the time (pfft, as if!) and I had what you'd call a 'Rock God Boyfriend'. My life seemed perfect! But something wasn't right and I just couldn't figure out what. When I arrived to school (in my dream) I realised what the problem was. I looked around and every other girl there was exactly the same. Same outfit, same hair, same colour eyes, EVERYTHING, just different names! We were doppelgängers. Clones of one another! Quickly, my blissful dream morphed into my worst nightmare and I shot upright in bed panicky and with sweaty palms. I realised then that I could never be anything but myself. I would only ever have my own opinion, draw my own conclusions, think for myself. I would dress how I wanted to and read books in my pyjamas with a mug of hot chocolate, instead of going out and getting drunk, if I felt like it! It was my choice and I refused to let society drag me down and make me something I wasnt. 

At the end of the day, being you is more fun anyway! There's no-one like me and I'm proud of that. As my granny always says "Jodi, after God made you he threw away the mould! And that suits me just fine!" In today's whirlwind that is life and peer pressure, it's important to stay true to yourself, as without that, what's your real purpose in life? God puts us on this earth to be ourselves, so quit wasting time trying to be someone else and have fun just being you! Besides, everyone else is taken anyway! If people don't like you, ignore them and do it anyway. As wise ol' Dr. Seuss once said, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind!!" Dr. Seuss, he's got things sussed! 

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